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Fat Cavitation

Heat Sculpting Body

What Is Cavitation?

Hot body contouring using cavitation machines involves the use of various technologies, including bipolar radio frequency, cavitation, vacuum, and lipo laser, to achieve desired body contours.

Bipolar radio frequency technology uses electromagnetic energy to heat the deep layers of the skin, which can stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and promote fat cell breakdown. This technology is effective for tightening loose skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite, and contouring the body.

Cavitation technology, on the other hand, uses ultrasound waves to create pressure and vibration in fat cells, causing them to break down and release their contents. This process is safe and non-invasive, making it an attractive alternative to traditional liposuction.

The vacuum technology utilized in hot body contouring helps to improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, which can reduce fluid retention and inflammation in the body. This technology also facilitates deeper penetration of other treatments, such as lipo laser and wood therapy.

Lipo laser technology is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-level laser energy to target and shrink fat cells. This treatment is effective for spot reduction and body contouring, particularly in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Finally, the hot towel and wood therapy included in hot body contouring treatments provide a relaxing and soothing experience, promoting detoxification and further aiding in lymphatic drainage. The wood therapy involves the use of specially designed wooden tools to massage and contour the body, promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension.


Overall, hot body contouring using cavitation machines and associated technologies provides a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to achieve desired body contours, with a range of benefits for the skin and body.

Why should I choose cavitation treatments instead of surgical procedures?

Cavitation treatments offer a wise and cost-effective alternative to surgery, providing noticeable results without the high price tag. With our advanced technology, you can achieve your desired outcome at a fraction of the cost, making it a smart choice for those seeking quality results without breaking the bank.


What should I expect from my first ultrasonic cavitation?

If you’re considering booking an ultrasonic cavitation treatment for the first time, read on to find out everything you need to know to prepare.


Prior to undergoing ultrasonic cavitation, you should not eat two hours before the treatment. Follow a low fat/low carb diet and drink at least two liters of water 24 hours before your treatment.


During the procedure, you’ll be relaxed laying and hear a buzzing sound from the machine, and you may feel a warm sensation on the skin being treated.  Treatments typically last 20-60 minutes.


The treated area may feel swollen and tender for a few days following your treatment and you may experience bruising as well as urinary and bowel movements and probably even diarrhea. You may eat food one hour after the treatment.


You will be advised to stay hydrated, follow a healthy diet and avoid alcohol and nicotine in the days following treatment. This will help the broken-down fat leave the body as energy and waste. It may be up to 3 to 8 weeks before you notice the full results of your treatment, as it takes time for your body to expel the broken-down fat.

How Long does Ultrasonic Cavitation Last?

Most ultrasonic cavitation treatments require repeat appointments to achieve the desired results. Sessions may last between 20 and 60 minutes, depending on your body weight and the areas being treated. Treatments should be completed in two appointments a week (72 hours apart each) .

Is ultrasonic cavitation permanent?

The long-term results of ultrasonic cavitation are dependent on your health and body type. The results will be long-lasting if a healthy lifestyle is maintained. However, an unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle may result in fat building up again in the treated areas.


  • Don't drink alcohol 24 hours before your treatment. 

  • Don't tan or spray 24 hours before your treatment.

  • Don't apply any topical products to skin of area to be treated. 

  • Don't have caffeine the day of your treatment.

  • Don't exercise for up to 48 hours after your treatment. 


  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Maintain a low calorie/low fat diet 

Who should not do cavitation?

The procedure is not recommended for persons with

  • pregnancy

  • parts of the body where metal, plastic or silicone was implanted.

  • medical and electrical devices, such as hearing aids, heart pacemakers, etc.

  • persons feeling unwell or persons with epilepsy.

  • open wounds

  • high blood pressure

  • blood clotting disorders

  • diabetes

  • skin disease

  • heart or lung conditions

  • vascular problems

  • phlebitis

  • progressive cancer

  • infections and skin rashes

  • mental illness

  • fever

  • long-term corticoid session

  • anti-coagulant session

  • any progressive inflammatory disorder

  • depression, recreational drug use

  • taking other weight loss medications, it's recommended that discontinuation of 1 to 2 months, if immediately do to lose weight. to extend the treatment

  • lipoaspiration/liposuction less than 6 months

  • excessive drinking or persons receiving hormone sessions

Women in menstrual should NOT use the procedure. Pierced areas on the body e.g. belly bar, or any jewelry has to be removed in prior to a session. 



2040 Alma Street, Kitsilano


Text/Whatsapp: 604-376-9131

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